to-do list, movie review, audio

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  • He feels infinite; I think "interminable" would be the better word.

    newredshoes Mar 24, 2013 10:47

    Just had waffles and bacon with my dad. What a good breakfast! What a good dad. <3

    Hello from Ohio! Gus is as cuddlebuggy and pesky as ever. For being on spring break, I sure have two tons of things to do, including putting a portfolio/resume page on
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    my dad the dad, movie review, puppy!!

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  • Because you still have spots.

    newredshoes Nov 17, 2012 10:45

    The thing I wanted to say on Tumblr (very late) last night about my experience watching Skyfall is that I went into it thinking I had been spoiled for a plot twist, which, although in some ways I'm glad it didn't happen (yay that character sticking around!), it would have made for an awesome movie.

    The twist that wasn't )

    movie review

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  • Perfume: The Story of a Murderer

    newredshoes Sep 13, 2012 22:16

    D'you ever work your way through a canon and think, "I'm not going to talk about this because I may want to volunteer to write it for Yuletide"? And then you... get to the climax of the canon and find that not only has it jumped the shark, it is hurtling out into space and just does not give two damns to rub together about it?

    I mean, I was with ( Read more... )

    link-mongering, movie review, the hollow crown

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  • This actually really messed me up.

    newredshoes Jul 03, 2012 11:36

    If you're able to watch movies on Hulu, I just spent an hour and change with Crawford, which somebody linked to in the comments of a BoingBoing story. If you lived through the Bush years in the United States, and especially if you lived in a small town during that time, this might really shake you. For myself, I can neither look at nor listen to ( Read more... )

    political, movie review

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